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About Me

My name is Shelbie and I am obsessed with books. When I was younger my parents would read to me for hours, and I learned to read myself at the age of 3. Timeout was never a problem because I would just sit in my room and read. I realized that all these books were adventures, each story a way to learn more about the world. 

Now that I am graduated from High School I have more time than ever before to read and I'm loving it. I'm falling in love with characters, places and stories. I'm learning to appreciate that beauty is not only seen in art and the world, it can be found in the pages in a book. I'm learning that there is so much to this world than I could ever imagine, and although life is uncertain it is full of beauty.

I have two dogs, 8 fish, and one cat. I also have five older sisters, one older brother, and I am a proud Aunt to: nine nephews, four neices and another nephew is on the way. I live in a state full of mountains and I appreciate how they fill the sky. 

I am a co-author of a book, that maybe hopefully someday will get published. My favorite Disney Princess is Rapunzel; and my hair is almost three feet long. I love the colors black and hot pink, my favorite animal is a Panda and if I could go anywhere in the world I would go to Spain. Also my favorite band is Coldplay, and my favorite book is The Thief by Meghan Whalen Turner. 

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