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Monday, August 17, 2015

Towering by Alex Flinn

"When Rachel was taken to live in a tower by a woman she
calls Mama, she was excited. She felt like a princess in a castle. But many years later, Rachel knows her palace is really a prison, and begins to plan her escape. She is encouraged by the speed with which her golden hair has been growing. It's gotten long enough to reach the ground. And she's begun dreaming of a green-eyed man. Could he be out there in the world? Is he coming to save her? Or will she find a way to save herself? "

Warning! If you don't enjoy reviews that turn into rants this one is not for you, if you do then grab some popcorn and enjoy. Okay the cover art to this book, it’s amazing right? Seriously one of my favorites, it hints to the amazing story in this book. WRONG! The cover art of this book is deceiving! I am a fan of Flinn’s work, so this book was a major major disappointment. Rapunzel is my favorite Disney character, and so each book that comes along I hold to a different standard than the Disney movie. This book… was a disaster. A train wreck. The guy in this book’s name is Wyatt, and there is enough love at first sight crap in this book to even make an original Disney princess gag. The book's major downfall is that it is written in two person narrative, we see way too much Wyatt and not enough Rapunzel. Another big problem that I have, if you think someone you love is in danger you run to a different city a different house, you don’t lock them in a tower and leave them by themselves for hours at a time! Also the end of this book, was seriously awful. Really awful. Nothing in this book makes any sense at all! At all! There is nothing really concrete for the reader to grab onto, it was seriously like reading the first draft of a very limited novel. I seriously have no idea why Flinn’s editor/publisher let her publish this. Do not waste your time on this novel, Rapunzel Untangled (see my review
here) is a much better book even with it’s limitations.  

Rating: 1 out of 10. This book was awful, do not read if Rapunzel is one of your favorite Disney princesses.

Content Rating: 2 (12-18) Mild drug use and some violence.

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