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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Introducing My Reading Buddy!

This is Cocomoe (ko-ka-moe)the cat! Otherwise known as kitty, Coco, black fuzzy creature and munchkin. He is eleven years old and has been my companion since I was seven. He often sits in my lap while I read a book, and follows pretty much every cat meme that you have ever seen. (such as he must have a bit of new food in his food bowl before he eats or he wont be quiet) His enemy is named Sherlock (my two dogs will show up in other posts don't worry!) and he is the reason we have to call Coco black fuzzy creature. Sherlock is smart and has learned that the words Coco and Kitty mean that his favorite thing to chase is nearby. I will be implementing him into my blog at least once a week, and hope to start doing a "Coco's Choice Award" with the books I read each month. I hope you enjoy this little guy as much as I do!

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