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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Spells by Aprilynn Pike

Six months have passed since Laurel saved the gateway to the faerie realm of Avalon. Now she must spend her summer there, honing her skills as a Fall faerie. But her human family and friends are still in mortal danger--and the gateway to Avalon is more compromised than ever.

When it comes time to protect those she loves, will she depend on David, her human boyfriend, for help? Or will she turn to Tamani, the electrifying faerie with whom her connection is undeniable?

This book is the second in the Wings Series, (to see my review of the first book click here) and the love triangle is seriously the best thing about this series. Don't get me wrong, I love the whole Fairy thing and how Pike has turned it into an amazing concept. But seriously the whole triangle is amazing, at the moment I am seriously rooting for David to win. His personality is just so much more developed than Tam's personality, plus he just seems to care more about Laurel than Tam does for the time being. For those who have read this book, are you on side David or side Tam? For now I am definitely on side David, but who knows the third book might change all that.
 In this book we actually get to see a lot more of Laurel's home Avalon and this place is amazing. I with they would make a movie about these books (I know I say that about every review but still!) with an amazing CGI budget. I really wish Laurel would be able to get her memories back so she would be able to fully interact with everyone in her home area. However it is also interesting to see Laurel know about both worlds and try to keep them separate but fail miserably. The trolls in this book are back, and just as evil as ever and they even cross a line in this book that made my heart drop. This series is awesome, the characters are vibrant, and the setting is gorgeous! If you like fairies are any fantasy romance novels than this one is for you! 

Rating: 10 out of 10. The setting in this book is absolutely amazing, if for no other reason seriously read it just for that. 

Content Rating: 2 (12-18). There is some teen romance, some language and a tiny itty bitty bit of violence. 

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