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Friday, July 24, 2015

Rapunzel Untangled by Cindy C Bennett

"Rapunzel is not your average teenager.

For one thing, she has a serious illness that keeps her inside the mysterious Gothel Mansion. And for another, her hair is 15 feet long. Not to mention that she’s also the key to ultimately saving the world from certain destruction. But then she meets a boy named Fane, who changes all she has ever known, and she decides to risk everything familiar to find out who she really is."

I was so excited to read this book. I am a major Rapunzel fan, she's my favorite Disney Princess, and I was excited to see how this book told the story in a modern way. This book had a strong beginning and brings many of the elements in from the movie. Girl is trapped in tower and can't leave, boy shows up and changes everything. I do like how Bennett brought in some realistic consequences of her leaving said tower that didn't come up in the movie. The ending of this book is really where it fell flat. It was to rushed and a little to weird for my liking. The story was long and drawn out and once the end hit it I feel like Bennett should have spent more time on the ending rather then the middle of the book. I think this book would have worked if maybe it was split into two parts so Bennett could have elaborated more with some of the details as well as work out a better ending. All in all this book fell short for me.

Rating: 6 out of 10. The ending just did not do justice to this book.

Content Rating: 2 (for ages 12-18). If this book was made into a movie it would be a solid PG. There is a few instances of kissing, some scary elements towards the end of the book, and a teen Halloween party. Rapunzel is given the option of wearing either a "sexy" nurse costume or a Genie costume. This book is pretty clean though, and is suitable for tweens to young adults.

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