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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Illusions by Aprilynne Pike

First things first: cover art! Like the other books in the series the cover prominently displays a flower. Being that the faeries in this particular series are plants it makes total sense, and I love it when cover art makes sense! What I like about this particular cover art is the water droplets towards the top, the detail is pretty amazing! 
" "I don't do patrols, I don't go hunting, I just stick close to you. You live your life, I'll keep you safe," Tamani said, sweeping a lock of hair from her face. "Or die trying."
Laurel hasn't seen Tamani since she begged him to let her go last year. Though her heart still aches, Laurel is confident that David was the right choice.
But just as life returns to normal, Laurel realizes that a hidden enemy lies in wait. Once again, Laurel must turn to Tamani to protect and guide her, for the danger that now threatens Avalon is one that no faerie thought would ever be possible."
Okay, at the start of this book I seriously thought that David And Laurel would be in a relationship forever and Tamani was permanently out of her life. WRONG! For some bizarre reason Avalon has decided to shove Tamani in Laurel's school and the love triangle once again is back to the forefront. And all I can say about what happens with it is FINALLY! In every single love triangle book I've ever read the guys 99% of the time somehow remain painfully civil and there is never a good fight, this one though David and Tam duke it out at one point and I was rather pleased. The trolls are back, but the end of this book isn't a showdown between the trolls and the fairies. The twist at the end was also slightly unexpected, I mean there was a lot of predictable buildup to it but still it was pretty good twist! All in all this third book was a lot better than the first and second ones in my opinion. There was much less backstory and much more actually watching Laurel choose between the guys. I think I'm actually starting to lean towards Tamani's side, I mean if you think about it they work much more as a couple than David. Now that all the key players are lined up its going to be interesting to watch the battle in the third book. If you like fairy tale, romance or both read this series! 

Rating: 10 out of 10! David and Tam got in a fight! Finally a love triangle that actually has some realistic tension!

Content Rating: 3 (16-18). There is a bit of swearing, some scenes of violence, and some teen romance. 

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