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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

First things first: cover art! After reading this book I really love the cover art for it, it makes so much sense! I love it when the cover art actually pertains to the book and isn't just a random image.I also love just how simple and profound it is. 
"Alice Love is twenty-nine, crazy about her husband, and pregnant with her first child.
So imagine Alice’s surprise when she comes to on the floor of a gym (a gym! She HATES the gym) and is whisked off to the hospital where she discovers the honeymoon is truly over — she’s getting divorced, she has three kids, and she’s actually 39 years old. Alice must reconstruct the events of a lost decade, and find out whether it’s possible to reconstruct her life at the same time. She has to figure out why her sister hardly talks to her, and how is it that she’s become one of those super skinny moms with really expensive clothes. Ultimately, Alice must discover whether forgetting is a blessing or a curse, and whether it’s possible to start over…"
I first found this book while copying and pasting a summary into my blog from Amazon.com. After waiting a full month for it I finally got it at the library and fished it on the same day I started it. This book was so good! It's told from three points of view, the first is what I like to call "fly on the wall" narrative, the second is in letter format to a therapist, and the third is letters to a dead fiance. All three points of view come together to give us this amazing story! I am so so glad that they are making it into a movie because seriously, it's amazing. Alice was written very well, Moriarty had to deal with two different characters in one considering there is an "old" Alice and a "new" Alice. Plus this love story starts somewhere where most don't, the relationship is on the brink of extinction and its going to take work to bring them back together. Elizabeth, Alice's sister, is also another complex character, She is the exact opposite of Alice and I love the stark contrast between the two characters. The ending is also great! Usually I hate books that seem to scream, "EVERYBODY GETS A HAPPY ENDING!", but this book makes you root for all the characters to find happiness and its amazing when all of them do. 

Rating: 10 out of 10. Highly, highly recommend this book!!! 

Content Rating: 4 (18+). This book has some swearing, and a bit of adult romance. Some topics are definitely meant for older readers! 

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