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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Bookmark Collection

Some people collect stamps or baseball cards or even small figurines, but I collect bookmarks. Why? Because  I love reading and they all conveniently fit in a paint can, well at the moment they all are in a popcorn can from Christmas last year. I currently own 142 bookmarks and that number grows every time I go to the library or I buy one because it's a special occasion. Once or twice a week I will be spotlighting a specific bookmark or bookmarks. There is a story behind pretty much all of them and I would like to share that with you, my readers.
I actually end up using random pieces of paper as my bookmarks more often than an actual bookmark. Most of these bookmarks come from the library so I've gotten them for free, other's I have paid for. At the moment I think my most expensive bookmark in my collection was about $6 dollars. Others have been gifts from friends or family, but I love expanding my bookmark collection and making more stories as well as memories.

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