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Monday, August 24, 2015

Earthbound by Aprilynn Pike

First things first: cover art! There are three cover art types that I found for this particular book on the great internet but this is the cover art for the particular one that I read. After reading this book I still don't really understand the cover art on this one. The bubbles have faces in them and the girl in it is mirrored on both sides, the mirroring thing makes sense once you read the book but I found that I much prefer this cover art:

"Tavia Michaels is the sole survivor of the plane crash that killed her parents. When she starts to see strange visions of a boy she’s never spoken with in real life, she begins to suspect that there’s much about her past that she isn’t being told. 
Tavia immediately searches for answers, desperate to determine why she feels so drawn to a boy she hardly knows. But when Tavia discovers that the aunt and uncle who took her in after her parents' death may have actually been responsible for the plane crash that killed them--and that she may have been the true intended victim--she flees for the safety of Camden, Maine, where the boy she sees in her visions instructs her to go.
Now, Tavia is on the run with no one to trust. No one, that is, except for her best friend and longtime crush, Benson.
Tavia feels torn between the boy who mysteriously comes to her at night and the boy who has been by her side every step of the way. But what Tavia doesn't know is that the world is literally falling apart and that to save it she will have to unite with the boy in her visions. Only problem? To do so would mean rejecting Benson's love. And that's the one thing Tavia Michaels swore she'd never do."

 This book was written by the same author who wrote the wings series (see my review here) so when I saw them sitting on the same shelf at the library I decided to read it on a whim. It was.... uh... interesting! That's a good word, lets just say interesting. Pike is working with the whole theory that gods and goddesses created the world, and they each had their perfect significant other. But like something always does, it all ended. Now each of them is forced to deal with reincarnation and finding their significant other until the end of time. Weird right? This book, again, was very interesting. The plot line was straight forward, but I found myself thinking that this book is very weird... There is a beginnings of a love triangle in this book but I don't even know why it's there because again some details that are in it. Pike is trying to apply the same formula that is found in the Wings series and I just don't think that it is working very well. 

Rating: 7 out of 10. This book was just a little to weird of a concept for me, and some things in it just do not make a lot of sense. 

Content Rating: 3 (16-18). There is some teen romance and some violence as well as a couple instances of swearing. 

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